Saving Electricity 

With the soaring energy costs, now is a good time to undertake a review of the energy your using and look at ways to reduce consumption. 

Save Electric

Low Wattage Lamps

Efficient Equipment

Good House Keeping

Our maintenance services can help you save money

On the 1st April the energy price cap increased by 54% and with a further rise of 32% predicted for October now is a very good time to check your usage and determine where savings can be made.

Change Light Bulbs To A Lower Wattage

Light bulbs especially in offices and corridors that maybe on all day is an area where large savings can be made by switching the bulbs to lower wattage LED equivalents.

Install Timers and Sensors

Where rooms and corridors are only used occasionally install timers and sensors to ensure lighting goes off when the area is not occupied.

Upgrade Inefficient Equipment

Where you are using damaged or inefficient equipment consider upgrading to a more efficient and possibly lower wattage newer piece of equipment.

Staff Cooperation - Good House Keeping

Invite staff to help you keep costs in check by turning off un-necessary lights, filling the dishwasher before switching on, washing through single items by hand, not over filling kettles when boiling for one.

Staff awareness and cooperation can help make an impact on electricity usage.

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