Tel: 01202 299950
Established 1980
45 years serving business
Bin stores are probably the most abused areas when it comes to waste management. We can remove excess rubbish, skim full bins and generally help you maintain a clean and tidy area.
Over flowing bin stores are an everyday problem somtimes caused by lazy tenants and other times caused by sheer volume such as after Christmas. Whatever your bin store problems we have a vast experience and can help.
Whether your tenants have left leaving you a mountain of rubbish or furniture and goods we can clear your property for you. All goods will be removed to the local tip or where possible recycled.
Fly tipping is illegal and anti social but it doesn't stop it happening, if your a victim then we can help, clearing away any rubbish quickly and efficiently.
Dispose of all your old electrical goods whilst complying with current regulations.
When it's time for a spring clean and you are throwing out all the old files to make space for the next batch, we can arrange for confidential waste removal and shredding, complete with certificate.
Many of our clients opt for us to arrange bin collection for them and we can offer you a first class service.
In both residential and commercial property rubbish can quickly build up for any number of reasons, should this happen to quickly after a recent bin collection it can leave your site messy and untidy for days. Waste not in bins can also attract vermin and other undesirable attention.
We can arrange to move the excess waste and skim the bins to get you through to the next bin collection in a clean and tidy fashion.
Thank you for your enquiry.
We will contact you as soon as possible.
Century Group can arrange regular bin collections. We provide a first class service complementing our range of professional services that help you maintain and manage the properties under your control or ownership.
For details of bin lifts or any Century Group service please call on 01202 299950 or contact us via email direct using the link below.
All Rights Reserved | Century Cleaning Ltd T/A Century Group